Traditional Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a system of health care that has been developed, refined, and practiced in China for over 4,000 years. In involves the the superficial insertion of hair-thin needles into points on the body that have been proven to relieve pain and disease. In ancient times, acupuncture (along with herbal medicine) was used as the primary method of treating injuries and illness. Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years for one simple works very well. Nowadays, most people come to an acupuncturist for medical problems that do not respond well to western medicine (i.e. Drugs, surgery, pain killers, etc.).
The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture’s effectiveness for over 40 common disorders, such as:
Musculoskeletal disorders- Back pain, neck pain, sciatica, arthritis, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, TMJ, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee pain, plantar fasciitis, sports injuries
Neurological disorders- Paralysis, nerve damage, loss of strength, severe chronic pain, sensory loss, tremors, bell's palsy, degenerative nervous system disorders, eye and vision disorders, hearing loss, restless leg syndrome, trauma and injury rehabilitation
Gynecological disorders- Infertility, endometriosis, PMS, menstrual irregularity, menstrual cramps, menopausal syndrome, urinary tract infections, yeast infections
Endocrine/Hormonal disorders- Hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, chronic fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, diabetes, loss of libido, sexual dysfunction (male and female), anxiety disorder, panic attacks
Gastrointestinal disorders- Indigestion, IBS, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, ulcers, colitis
Immune and Autoimmune disorders- Allergies, bronchitis, asthma, emphysema/COPD, eczema, psoriasis
Circulatory disorders- Hypertension, arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris
Chemotherapy and Radiation Support- Treatment of nausea, fatigue, constipation, pain, and other side effects of conventional cancer treatments.
From looking at this list it may seem that acupuncture can help almost anything. The reason for this is that when performed correctly, acupuncture treats the person and not just the disease. Please think about this because there is a HUGE difference between working towards strengthening a patient so that his entire body is functional and vibrant, versus just trying to alleviate a symptom. Although symptoms quickly resolve with our treatments, we do not merely treat symptoms. We restore balance and strength to the entire person.
Trigger Point Acupuncture
At the most basic level, trigger point acupuncture works by releasing muscle knots (also known as trigger points). There is still some controversy over exactly how muscle knots form, but once they are there they can cause a lot of pain.
The key here is blood flow. Every cell in your body requires access to blood in order to bring nutrition in and waste out of the cell. Muscle cells in particular work very hard and as a result can generate a lot of waste. When a knot forms in a muscle, blood flow is restricted to some of the muscle's cells. This leads to a lack of nutrition and a pileup of waste in those blood-deprived cells. This is what causes the pain signal - your muscle is letting your brain know that there is a problem with the blood flow to the knotted cells.
In a trigger point acupuncture session, we will use a hair-thin acupuncture needle to get through the muscle knot and trigger the affected muscle into rapid contraction. It's almost like the needle tip pushes a reset button on the muscle, causing it to jump in response. By regularly causing this jump for a short period, we can undo the muscle knot, flooding the area with new blood to nourish the tired muscle and wash away the built up waste. The pain signal stops because there is no further need for the muscle to tell the brain that there is a problem.
Nutritional Healing
Eating naturally grown whole foods is the oldest form of medicine...and still one of the most effective, even for modern health problems. Every school of natural healing that we've studied, from Naturopathy to Ayurveda to Chinese Medicine...all of them emphasize proper nutrition as being vital to healing.
You can take the best medicines, the best herbs, and have the best acupuncture treatments. However, if you are living on a diet of dead, processed, and nutritionally empty will never reach a state of optimum health. That's why all of our patients are given a nutritional evaluation to make sure that at the very least, their diet is not what's responsible for making them feel ill.
For our patients who come to us for nutritional healing, we have two objectives for them. The first is to customize the most effective eating plan for their unique body. This includes identifying any food allergies as well as figuring out what the best foods would be for them to heal.
With our extensive training in dietary healing (from both eastern as well as western schools of thought) we will teach you how to heal yourself using the most basic form of medicine given to us by nature…food.
The second objective for our nutritional healing patients is to accelerate their healing using nutritional supplements that are targeted for the person’s unique needs.
For patients who are coming for a chronic, difficult to treat illness, supplements are often necessary for the healing process. Please realize though that most of our patients, no matter how ill, take only 1-3 different supplements that are tailored for their individual needs. We do not do “mega-dosing” of supplements and we actually feel that taking more than a small handful of supplements is counter-productive.
Pediatric Care
Because their bodies are so sensitive, children respond really well to Chinese Medicine. It is important to realize that the foundational principle of Chinese Medicine is to harmonize the entire being from both a physical as well as energetic standpoint. There are many ways to do this that do not involve needles. Although pediatrics is a specialty within acupuncture, and some children do not mind being treated with needles designed for pediatric care, most children will not tolerate a treatment that involves needles. Fortunately, there are many ways to to harmonize and balance the meridians of the body that do not involve needles. A fear of needles does not mean that a child will be unable to experience the life changing benefits of this time-honored natural medicine.
Are the needle-free treatments as powerful as regular acupuncture? No, it’s almost as powerful but not quite. Nothing is as powerful as the traditional method of using needles because nothing else (in my experience) delivers as much of a powerful signal to the nervous system. The needle-free treatments will usually get the job done although it may take about 30% longer to see the results. In other words, an issue that would normally take 6 treatments to correct with traditional acupuncture may take 8 treatments with the needle-free methods. The results will still be there with the needle-free method, but it may take a bit longer.
The most common childhood disorders which respond extremely well to Chinese Medicine include, but are not limited to:
Skin Disorders (Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne)
Stomach Pain
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Enuresis (Bedwetting)
Non-healing injuries
Learning and Developmental Disorders
The Principles We Follow
These are the guiding principles we follow when treating patients. Please take the time to read them to gain an understanding of the thought process we use in assessing and treating chronic illness.
1. Any disease that is created within the body…can be healed by the body…if given the ideal internal/cellular/energetic environment conducive to healing.
2. All true healing is ultimately self-healing. Any improvements in health that come from being treated at SNM (Suburban Natural Medicine) are due to the patient’s own self-healing response being triggered. The clinicians at SNM do not focus on treating the disease, but on doing whatever is needed to awaken the natural self-healing mechanism inside the patient.
3. When this self-healing/self-repair mechanism is awakened, even after decades of being severely ill, we have seen patients make miraculous recoveries.
4. The reason why this happens, and this is a critically important point here, is that the body is designed to always move towards health…if given the appropriate stimulation and kept free from disease causing factors.
5. With extremely rare exceptions, this self-healing response can be achieved using strictly natural, drug-free methods that have been provided by God/Nature and available to mankind for thousands of years.
6. These natural healing methods include: acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and targeted vitamin and mineral supplementation. These are the three principle healing techniques used at SNM.
So the basic premise we follow is that the body is not only capable of healing itself, but has a natural, built-in instinct to move towards health if given the appropriate stimulation and environment.
How to Get Started and What Happens
Here’s a quick summary of what our office is like and the principles it is founded on:
We believe that the body is capable of healing itself from almost any illness as long as it is given the right conditions.
The right condition for self-healing involves three things:
Detoxifying the body of toxic chemicals and cellular waste while supporting the elimination organs such as the liver, kidneys, and bowels.
Correcting individual nutrient deficiencies that are not allowing the body to function at an optimal level. This also includes supporting digestion and the absorptive abilities of the body.
Harmonizing the self-communication grids of the body so that the vitally important function of intercellular communication can happen normally, and the body can begin to heal itself. This is done through correcting the flow of energy in the acupuncture meridians. It is only when the internal communication lines (manifested through the acupuncture meridians) are disturbed that the body does not perform the function of self-regeneration.
To accomplish the above three goals, we use a combination of three healing modalities:
Traditional acupuncture (the points we use combine modern neurology with ancient Chinese meridian theory)
Nutritional Therapy that is customized to the patient using both dietary changes and whole-food supplements.
Chinese Herbal Medicine, which is designed to restore proper communication lines within the body.
Call the office at (973) 440-7719 and ask to set up an appointment for an initial assessment. We will let you know when a new appointment is available.
For follow-up visits, we usually see patients once per week. Some severe conditions may require twice per week in the initial stages, but we will let you know what would be best for you.
Office visits range anywhere from 10-30 minutes depending on the complexity of the case. We are usually on time and will not keep you sitting in a waiting room.
Initial Consultation: $135
Physical Exam
Patient History
Report of Findings
Nutritional/Herbal Evaluation
Plan for course of treatment
Educational materials
Follow-Up Office Visits: $85
Depending on your unique healthcare needs, may include any combination of the following:​​
Traditional Acupuncture
Trigger Point Acupuncture
Chinese Herbal Medicine